AsBAA in Action- April 2018 April Newsletter | Page 3
Advertise your Internships and Jobs
with AsBAA – Complimentary to members
AsBAA Discovery
Board of Governors
The Discovery programme was created by AsBAA to educate and inspire young
people about future careers the industry. Business Aviation faces a shortage of skilled
workers for the jobs that already exist. In addition, the industry is shifting, growing and
evolving. Innovation and technology will change aviation as we know it for the next
generation. Autonomous vehicles and the next wave of
innovation will require new skill-sets and new mindsets
that we do not currently have in place. AsBAA
Discovery is more than a jobs site or a careers
advisory service, it is about being big picture, future
o r i e n t e d i n o rd e r t o p ro t e c t t h e i n d u s t r y f o r
generations to come.
AsBAA Participates in
Indonesia Aviation Training & Education Conference (IATEC)
Allan Chelliah
Avcon Group
The 4th IATEC 2018 event was one of the largest industry conferences in Asia Pacific
focused on the aviation human resources sector. At the event, AsBAA was represented by
Mr. Gary Moran, who delivered an interesting presentation on Day Two focused on
nurturing the next generation of professionals for the business aviation sector and bridging
them with the industry. This was very well received by the hosting association, INACA and
all the 250 attending delegates. AsBAA’ s participation and support were very much
appreciated by the organising committee and we look forward to having AsBAA back at
IATEC 2020.
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