summer skill skool 2018
vacation for vocation
India is a youthful nation with about 50 % of its population below the age of 25 years. Our youth is our strength and the world is in need of skilled manpower. Studies says that 90 % of employment opportunities require vocational skills. Considering all this scenarios ASAP has envisaged to skill the youth of the state and Summer Skill Skool 2018 is announced with a new mode of application, ranging its reach for the age group of 15-25 years so as to reach the unreached. It mainly aims to target those group which are least privileged with skilling initiatives.
Targeting the dropouts along with regular students , makes ASAP unique in the sense of reaching the needy on demographic aspects. The proportion of theory to practical in ASAP classes is in the ratio of 45:55 with mandatory internship; ensures industry adherence of the course.