ASAP Wayanad NEWS LETTER VOL 8 | Page 21

*You become a provider. As an entrepreneur you will become a provider for many. Your employees will depend on your leadership and decision-making, as it will directly impact their livelihood and well-being.

*Experience personal growth. It is a great feeling when you look back and see how much you have grown as an individual. The growth and success of a business is often directly related to the personal growth of the entrepreneur behind it.

*You become an expert problem solver. As a business owner you become very resourceful and over time you will learn to overcome anything and solve any problem placed in front of you.

*Endless life experiences. You get to travel to new places and interact with different people all the time. What some might see as just a business conference, you see as an opportunity to visit a new part of the world and meet people you would never have met otherwise.

*You conduct your own performance review. Sales, company morale, growth and customer feedback can all be used to judge your performance -- not some person with a clipboard and a generic Q&A review test.

*It enables you to dream big. No idea is too crazy and no goal is too big when you are an entrepreneur -- you can dream as big as you want!

(To be Continued … )

[In next Issue : Am I fit into the groove of an Entrepreneur?]

Dr. Anoop Mathew

Post Doc Fellow

IIT MadraS