*You serve as a role model. As an entrepreneur, people will look up to you. You have the ability to be a role model for family, friends, employees and community members. Your success serves as motivation and inspiration.
*You will never be bored. There is always something to do and you will more than likely always have a mile long to-do list. Every day presents new challenges and new opportunities to keep you on your toes.
*Freedom to travel. Modern technology, remote employees and the Internet allow you the freedom to travel while still running your business. Being able to see the world while creating an amazing company is a realistic possibility.
*There is no age barrier. Entrepreneurs are starting at very young ages -- some straight out of college, some while still in high school and even children as young as 9 years old that want to create healthy treats.
*Your mind will always be utilized. Every single decision that involves your business is your responsibility, from the initial concept and branding to the growth and goal setting.
*The satisfaction of saying you’re a business owner. It is a great feeling to be able step back and say, “this is my company,” while proudly holding your head up. Being an entrepreneur takes an incredible amount of work -- those few words feel so good coming out of your mouth.
*Go cubicle free. Entrepreneurs have total freedom to roam, create, delegate and work. There are no cubicles or desks to be tied to all day.
*You never feel undervalued. If you have ideas to make the business better you can implement them right away -- you don’t have to hope that someone in a higher position will give you the time of day and listen to your suggestions.
*Spend more time with family. Entrepreneurs with children have the ability to adjust their schedules to attend school functions and activities.