Nulla orci dolor, vehicula sed tempor eget, semper id augue. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque fermentum, tortor quis ornare ultricies, ex justo imperdiet velit, sed consectetur orci quam in urna. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla lacinia, arcu at posuere pretium, magna urna vestibulum sem, vel placerat enim quam sed odio. Proin nulla lorem, ullamcorper quis ornare tincidunt, consequat a sapien. Nunc id orci ante. Quisque ac est velit. Morbi vulputate dictum arcu nec finibus. Proin non nulla sit amet enim luctus porta. Integer pellentesque, quam nec scelerisque eleifend, ipsum dui porttitor est, ut vulputate erat tortor.
predators, you need to make sure they don’t post something that can come back to haunt them when they are seeking admission to college or looking for a job in the future.
Before You Click “Send”
It is always a good idea to reread anything you type before clicking the “send” button. If you have time, step away for a few minutes and come back to it with fresh eyes. If not, at least check your spelling, grammar, and tone of the message. If it is late at night, and you are extremely tired, it’s probably best to wait until the next morning. You can save most messages and posts in draft mode.
Help Others
If someone appears to be new to the Internet, offer your assistance. Share information on proper etiquette, send them a link to a list of acronyms and emoticons, and offer to answer any questions until they get the hang of it. If you see that someone has posted something inappropriate, let him or her know privately. Never do anything to publicly embarrass anyone you know online.