ArtView November 2015 | Page 65

The tilt of your shoulder is the shape My mind assumes, resting there; your breasts— The last fruit (persimmons, let’s say) on the last tree— Seem to want me to name the many dialects of disappointment And delight. Your body, a lazy phrase or two displayed Across my couch, makes a bed, if not a bedFellow, of my mind, in which I wake late, the taste of fire Still blue on my tongue. Every piece of the carnal world Takes the shape of a question it alone knows How to pose. And you can keep on posing Yours as long as you like, for I am in no hurry To make an answer; I’m content just to follow My hand as it makes these lines, which look for you And trace the way my mind is made over But never made up, swallowing hunger, and touching And touching in violet silences the skin Of so many haptic and haphazard questions.