“Are music videos a health hazard for young girls?"
Also, I look at these clips and wonder if the
women feel sexy at all. I know I wouldn't feel my
best wrapped around a pole, big hair sitting
precariously on my head, leather knickers, and
water being splashed in my face. It feels as though
they are more preoccupied with being desirable to
men, and not themselves or other women.
Annie Lennox recently weighed in on the overtly
sexual content of music video clips on her Facebook
page and I think what she said was pretty spot on:
“Their assumption seems to be that misogyny
utilised and displayed through oneself is totally fine,
as long as you are the one creating it. As if it’s all
justified by how many millions of dollars and U
tube hits you get from behaving like pimp and
It pains me to write this, as I like to consider
prostitute at the same time. It’s a glorified and
myself a liberated, open-minded creative, but deep
monetized form of self harm.”
down in my thinking place I feel as though some
music videos are a health hazard for young girls.
Lately it feels as though lot of new female artists
are in a race to see who can be the most nude.
The feminist in me thinks it is great that women
feel strong and empowered enough to express
themselves in a sexual manner, but the Mother in
me thinks "Sheesh Miley would it kill you to pop on
a cardie?"
I am staunchly