Chazen’s First AAMD
Diversity Intern is
Bre’Annah Stampley
The Chazen is pleased to be one of 10 museums
across the country piloting a paid diversity
internship in partnership with the Association of Art
August 1 | 3–6 PM
Musical Makers: Build musical instruments from
recycled materials and enjoy live musical
August 8 | 3–6 PM
Cardboard Construction: Experiment with
cardboard and tape construction. If you build it…
we’ll have fun!
August 15 | 3–6 PM
Surprise Supplies: Do you love surprises? We do!
Come play and create with a unique and mysterious
assortment of materials. You never know what you’ll
get into!
August 22 | 3–6 PM
Back to School Block Party: Bring the whole
family for one last hurrah before school begins!
Meet UW–Madison and community organizations
as we play lawn games and make art. Jam out to live
music and enjoy sweet treats. There is sure to be
something for everyone!
Museum Directors (AAMD). Bre’Annah Stampley, a
UW–Madison junior from Chicago, is the Chazen’s
first AAMD intern.
During the 12-week internship, Stampley will work
Bre'Annah Stampley
“I’ve always loved the Chazen for its accessibility, for
in the education section under the guidance of it being a free museum, and for all the different
Education Curator Candie Waterloo. Additionally, types of art that it features.” Stampley says.
she will attend the American Alliance of Museums
(AAM) national conference with Chazen staff,
where she will meet other AAMD interns.
“Bre’Annah will have the opportunity to create a
student-focused event from start to finish,” says
Waterloo. “Her enthusiasm to take on big projects is
what made her our first choice for the internship."
“I think a lot of what stops people who are less
privileged or have economic disparities (from)
walk(ing) into the Chazen is because they see this
prestigious thing and think either a) I can’t afford it,
or b) this is a space where I’m not welcome.”
“I don’t think black people get pushed toward art.”
Stampley says. “I think it’s really incredible and
When she came to Madison, Stampley initially inspiring for me to have a position like this and get
thought she wanted to be a veterinarian, but after accepted into it.” She believes that museums should
realizing that math and science weren’t bringing her be places where all voices can be heard, and when
a lot of joy, she returned to her love of art, where she that happens, those spaces become more
says she’s now far more fulfilled. accessible to anyone and everyone.
By Adam Ramer ’19