Arts & International Affairs Volume 5, Number 1, Summer 2020 | Page 37

ARTS & INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Perhaps ACE’s strategy needs more time ... perhaps it will work ... perhaps it’s just me and my inescapable paranoia. References Arendt, Hannah. (1998) The Human Condition (2nd ed.). Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. Arts Council England. (2019) Contribution of the Arts and Culture Industry to the UK economy, . (Accessed 31 October 2019). Bălașa, Sabin. (1975) Creatia Artistica�Un Permanent Examen in Fata Propriului Popor (Artistic Creation�A Permanent Exam in Front of One Own’s Nation). Scînteia, June 13. Blandiana, Ana. (2016) Istoria ca Viitor. (Accessed 31 October 2019). Brown, Mark. (2019) English Art Bodies Slow to Become More Diverse, Report Shows. (Accessed 31 October 2019) Ceausescu, Nicolae. (1976) Congresul Educatiei Politice si al Culturii Socialiste 2-4 Iunie 1976 (The Congress of Political Education and Socialist Culture 2-4 June 1976). Bucharest: Editura Politica. Deleuze, Gilles. (2007) From A to Z. DVD. Directed by Pierre-Andre Boutang. Los Angeles, CA: Semiotexte. Deleuze, Gilles and Felix Guattari. (1994) What is Philosophy? Translated by Hugh Tomlinson and Graham Burchell. New York, NY: Columbia University Press. Deresiewicz, William. (2015) The Death of the Artist�And the Birth of the Creative Entrepreneur. The Atlantic, January/February. (Accessed 31 October 2019). Gardner, Lyn. (2019) Rethinking the Purpose of British Arts Institutions. Howlround Theatre Commons, 17 February. (Accessed 31 October 2019). Guattari, Felix. (2015) Machinic Eros: Writings on Japan, Gary Genosko and Jay Hetrick (eds.). Minneapolis: Univocal. 34