Arts Guides Fall 2019 Preview: South Jersey | Page 5
We caught up with her in ad-
vance of shows in Morristown
(September 12 at Mayo Perform-
ing Arts Center) and Galloway
(November 2nd at Stockton
Performing Arts Center).
some joy from it. It was very
funny, the whole thing about it.
Does having a video do that
well make you check the num-
bers for other ones a bit closely?
You know, I think I get a little ner-
It must be great to have a viral vous about putting out the next
video like your Back To School
video because how could it pos-
rant that has a period of time
sibly live up to it? You get skittish
each year when it gets shared by about making more videos, but I
find that the videos I’m like, ‘This
Yeah, it’s literally like It’s a
is going to be amazing’ are the
Wonderful Life - it comes back ev- ones nobody watches. And the
ery season and everybody gets
videos I don’t think much of like
Dena Blizzard - “Stop complaining about Back to School Shopping”