Arts, Crafts, Music, & Events of Breckinridge County Issue 2, July 2015 | Page 38


by Lois A. Tanner

Sometimes, you get the sweet, sometimes you bite the sour.

Sometimes, you live by the year, others, the best you can do is make the hour.

Sometimes, you think tomorrow will bring you some warmth and sun,

But, the North wind blows, and brings you absolutely none.

Sometimes, you climb and easily reach the mountain’s peek;

Other times, you descend and hit a ledge, all icy and bleak,

Sometimes, you dream and wake up to find you've reached your goal.

And then, there are times you arise and find you've lost all control.

There should be some lesson to this, some moral to the story;

For all the struggling and living, there should come splendor and glory.

But, there isn't and it doesn't, and, so, we continue to put one foot in front of another.

For sometimes, life bring us the sweet and pleasant, and sometimes, the other.

© Lois A. Tanner

Poetry Corner

Poetry Corner