Arts, Crafts, Music, & Events of Breckinridge County Issue 1, June 2015 | Page 2

welcome to

our first issue

The Breckinridge County Arts Guild was formed in 2014 to help promote and preserve the rich heritage of Kentucky arts and crafts in our county through encouragement, education, and exhibiting. We have grown from a small group of 10 members to a membership of 50. We provide educational classes in the arts to both young and old. We also help create events that our residents can enjoy, such as our annual Arts and Crafts Show in June.

We are excited to bring you this first issue of our online magazine featuring the Arts, Crafts, Music, and Events of Breckinridge County, Kentucky. This is a live magazine and updates and changes will be made all through the month as needed. A new issue will follow on the first of each month. This magazine is free to all. We only ask that you subscribe. By doing so, we will be able to create revenue from those who wish to advertise here. By subscribing, you will be helping to preserve and promote the arts and crafts in our community. The revenue from the ads will be used by the Breckinridge County Arts Guild to help support events, exhibits, and education in Breckinridge County.

Breckinridge County is rich in history and heritage, and rich in the many things we all value. It is a great place to raise a family and a wonderful place to live. This area is also rich in talent. We have some amazing artists and craftspeople, writers, actors, and musicians who call Breckinridge County, Kentucky their home.

We invite anyone interested in promoting and preserving the arts and crafts to join us.

Editor & President

Breckinridge County Arts Guild


On behalf of the artist & craftspeople of the BCAG

Thank you for your support

Breckinridge County Arts Guild Officers

President - Greg Hicks

Vice President - Judy Tivitt

Secretary - Linda Roe

Treasurer - Rosemary Prather