Artnews - November 2013 | Page 2

rt is all around you. It is not only in the ability to paint, sketch and draw, but in other media as well. Creating a sculpture takes the skill of an artist.

Abstract painting, or creating clay models is a form of art. Art is actually all around you, in every shape and form. Take the time to look at your surroundings in a different manner. Look at a tree, it is not even, it is not straight, it is not brown. It has texture, and shading. Most importantly: no two objects are alike.


Get a sketchbook and sketching pencil

Get a sketchbook and sketching pencil. Get an easel and paints. Even a few basic supplies will be enough to start you practicing and experimenting


Draw things you see

Go to the park, and sit on a bench and just look around you. Art is everywhere. The pool is oval, the sun is round, the trees are all different shades, and no two leaves are the same. No two flowers are the same, or of the same shape or size. If you look at all this and find you are interested in learning more, then you have an artistic nature. You can easily become an artist.


Look at a tree in the sun

Notice that the leaves have varying colors. See which side the sun shines on and how it looks. Look at the same tree an hour later and notice how it looks now that the sun has or is setting. Study the grass, and its shadows. Look at a sunset, the shading and the colors. Actually look at things intently, and mark it all down in your sketchbook.




2 Artnews/November, 2013

to Become an Artist

Edited by Flickety, Rob S, Andy Zhang, Tom Viren and 86 others