artiste 2015- 2016 Yearbook | Page 106

This small but dramatically funny, tender, provocative and ultimately political play is a series of interviews with a diverse group of over 200 women about their vaginas: young and old, married and single; heterosexual, bisexual, and lesbian; working class women, professional women, and sex workers; women of various races. Some of the monologues are verbatim, some are composites, some are invented impressions. The subjects, which all have to do with vaginas, include such topics as what a vagina looks like, what goes in and comes out of vaginas, menstruation and birth, and more playfully, "If your vagina got dressed, what would it wear?" or "If your vagina could talk, what would it say, in two words?"

Tickets are $10 for General Admission and $7 for Students (With IDs)

This play will also be held on 2/27/2016 @ 2 pm in the same location.