Artista Coffee Table Book Edition 1 Artista Coffee Table Book Edition 1 | Page 9

DOWN THE MEMORY LANE MADHURI INAVOLA (ETM, 2012-16) CLUB INITIATOR OUR FIRST PRESIDENT Artista, a memory very vivid and unforgettable. A part of my life that I will hold on to for ever. The main intention in starting this club, was to showcase and bring out the artistic talents of GNITS students and staff. I always believed, trying new or different things, that will give you a chance to learn and explore more. Also, my main interests were art's and event planning or management. So, out of such thoughts I came up with Artista. Starting this club was not a slice of cake. To begin it, me along with my ardent support Sowmya Sri had to prove that this club will be a successful effort and also show beyond doubt, that we will be capable to organise and provide precise platform to our fellow mates. One person who always stood beside us and guided us throughout this process was Aparna ma'am. If not for Aparna ma'am Artista wouldn't have been possible. Her encouragement and guidance helped us to go forward and taught us a lot on how to lead and organise better for which I'm forever thankful. I personally believe that, every person should have some sought of interest in living life in more beautiful way than living through a routine cycle. It's not just to earn, eat and sleep - it's that life where we all have to, have a thrive to live it with more enthusiasm. At present most of them might have different hobbies and unique ways for relaxation but, are we seriously dedicating time for ourselves on regular basis is the question. Research shows that people who are more successful in life (be it in terms of wealth, health, fame or anything else) are ones who also maintain some hobby. So as to not get driven, by the regular schedules and to bring out some time, for the hidden talents of GNITS students in the field of creativity, ARTISTA has been initiated. The club intentions were to organize various events which could serve as a platform for the students and staff to let out the art in them. The first event held by Artista was a four-day exhibit of all art works done by the students of GNITS, called Galleria, held from 26th-29th January, 2015. I must say, I was absolutely astonished by the response of the students with their creativity and the gallery was filled with paintings and other art works. The gallery was given, much positive feedback and impressive response for all artworks alike, but undoubtedly the major attraction of the show was the portrait of Smt. G. Narayanamma. I am extremely thankful for the remarkable contributions made by the students of GNITS, and all those who appreciated the effort. All this was just the beginning and now, today I'm always super proud whenever I hear that my juniors are taking Artista to the next level. Other day, during the Alumnae Celebrations TU TURNO-19, I have personally experienced the way, team Artista was organising events and their creative side and I was absolutely blown away by their amazing work. All the best in all your endeavours!