Artista Coffee Table Book Edition 1 Artista Coffee Table Book Edition 1 | Page 5

FOREWORD Dr. Palle Aparna HOD, H&M Convenor, Artista Arts and Engineering – can they go along? Even if they can how and why? Arts have always played a significant role in igniting the young minds with creativity, imagination and innovation. The Artista Club of GNITS passionately works to bring out this hidden talent among the Engineering Students that has a positive impact on their academics. The journey that begins as a hobby for many of us in painting and drawing, slowly catches up our imagination and creativity, to dive deep in to play with the colours and its distinct combinations and permutations, to create the visuals that may at times be breath taking. The Artista Club members work and contribute in this direction of setting a platform for the Engineering students to come out with their creative art works to showcase and display which is truly appreciated and noteworthy. The Art Exhibitions named as Galleria displaying the artworks of students of all the years needs a special mention, with the artworks exhibited by the students during each semester. The guest talks, workshops, competitions under Artista have always had an overwhelming response to take part. I wholeheartedly congratulate the entire team of Artista individually and collectively for their valuable and distinct contribution in igniting the young minds to bring their creativity to the forefront. To add a feather in the cap, is the release of this Coffee Table Book which is a visual treat to go through the journey of Artista… an exclusive forum to explore the innate talent of the student in the most creative form.