Artista Coffee Table Book Edition 1 Artista Coffee Table Book Edition 1 | Page 34

TU TURNO 2019 The first important achievement for this year Artista EB was to win the confidence of college management and get the opportunity to decorate the college, for College Annual Alumnae Meet, TU TURNO 2019. When invited for a meeting to meet the requirements and see EB’s strength, Swathi Motamarri, Secretary, Artista presented a power point presentation on behalf of the EB and coordinators team with their ideas. EB not only met the ends but visually explained the outcome they were expecting. It won their confidence. ARTISTA was announced as OFFICIAL DECORATORS for TU TURNO 2019. Magic was created on 5th January 2019 night in Campfire and on 6th January 2019 in official ceremony. A logo was designed for the Alumnae Association on its successful journey. Badges for the Alumnae In-charges were created. A team of 50 members turned the presentation into reality. The preparations started from buying scrap glass bottles to creating masterpieces out of them. It went from buying wooden saree embroidery frames to turning them into tree hangers and dreamcatchers. It started with basic ivory sheets which were transformed into ultimate lifetime memories of bookmarks. Four large banners were designed with utmost care and in least time. Civil Department Team helped the team to create an artificial stage near college hostel premises and provided electrical support for the event. They also helped in creating an artificial waterfall out of basic pots and pipes. It was placed at the entrance of college gate where a WELCOME was grafted with the Artista team’s effort. Campfire started with cracker shots and ended with lots of memories. The lit painted glass bottles were a hit! So were the fairy lanterns. Artista team gave a token of gratitude to Alumnae in the form of a Bookmark. More than two hundred bookmarks were prepared for the event, and were the highlight of the reunion. The team was so successful that Artista EB were rewarded by a cash incentive from Mrs. Sri Vidya, President of Alumnae Club through Mrs. P. Madhuri, Secretary of Alumnae Club for their excellent efforts.