Artista Coffee Table Book Edition 1 Artista Coffee Table Book Edition 1 | Page 13

2017: CLUB FORETAKERS 2014-18 Batch President - Vaishnavi Muppalla (EEE) Vice President - Pradeepika Gedupudi (CSE) Creative Directors - V.Bhargavi (EEE) Public Relations - V.Mithreyi (ETM); Raghavi Vuppala (ECE) Documentation - Sruthi Kavalipurapu (IT) Treasurers - Greeshma Veeravelli (CSE) VAISHNAVI MUPPALLA (EEE, 2014-18) OUR THIRD PRESIDENT Art is the ultimate peace for me. Post intermediate, I developed an interest in art, and when I joined college, I got to know about Artista. It looked like a great opportunity for me at that point and state of mind. So, I joined it immediately, without any second thoughts. It was and is, one of the best things that happened to me and at this juncture I must specifically mention Aparna ma’am who had been a fantastic guide in all the ways possible. Ma’am had given us lot of ideas to implement during our events and fests and played a major role in shaping and developing the club to where it is today! Artista was started in the year 2014 i.e., the year I joined GNITS. One day, a senior member from Artista came to our class, searching for a coordinator,there was a bit chaos happening around and the next thing I knew, was that I was selected into the club. Although very sudden, I could align myself with them. My friends were always there to support me, but I must say, that every club member I have worked with, were very supportive and understanding. It is one of the best teams, I have worked with. I thank everyone, for their contributions and making every moment of my association with the club memorable. When I saw Galleria for the first time, I have decided that one day I'm going to have my art displayed on one complete wall. I was very happy when that wish was fulfilled and it only got better when I was organising it next year. Organising GALLERIA was a taxing effort wherein we had to collect the art work of students, organise them, handle them carefully and return them at the end of exhibition. Moreover, conducting a fest is next level challenge, coming up with new ideas and implementing them right, is sometimes difficult. With all the help from coordinators, we pulled it off successfully! RANG-2018 was a big hit and Artista got visibility after the event and that made us really proud. I have learnt a lot, while I was the president for the club like handling the team, being patient, utilizing the coordinator resources effectively, etc., but, the most prized possession for me, is the self confidence that I gained. The present 2019 batch EB is visibly very talented and creative. The selected team have always been there for the club, working early in the mornings or at late nights. Their commitment to the club and hard work, got them into the Executive Board. I would like tell my juniors to ‘Be yourself, do your job and not to get discouraged when things don't go as planned. If fate forces a situation of failure, you must never fail to forge another opportunity to succeed.’ With love, Vaishnavi