revived. The current rhythm. It’s not a trace, but the foot that landed when
stepping. Just like home and housing which is not depend on to what will
be remembered, or has been remembered, but something that allows it to
become a memory again and again.
In the second edition, ARTISAN wants to invite us imagining the movement
of people today, about returning home, and their housing issues. Home is
now like an illusion of high human mobility. The facade of a house here tries
to symbolize the dualism of these feelings, between going home and leaving.
A return that might just be some kind of fiction, especially in these days, a
return that basically relates to the memory of something that can be visited
like a house, is changing now. The way people remember and experience
home and departure may no longer be what it used to be. Now, both of them
seem to be at the same point - leaving and stay in a house as being two
sides on one coin, maybe now, people need to have a feeling that is not only
intimate, but foreign; They do not need to go home in the sense that they
used to. Time changes, so the feeling of “returning,” or “going home” will be
possible when put side with the strangers, the unknown simultaneously.