Articles-Thought Leadership 7 Ways to Shift Your Approach to Training | Page 4

4 Talk to the end user. Lawrence says that one of most important conversations around organizational readiness and change is the one you’ll have with the end user. “As learning leaders and educators, we may have a vision of what will be successful. However, in the absence of having a conversation with the end user, you may not succeed,” Lawrence cautions. Lawrence recounts a challenging module implementation to emphasize the importance of communication. “We have had tremendous success with many of our EMR implementations. But once we missed a very important step— having a conversation with the end users to help move them along the continuum of acceptance of what was going to be their training experience.” Lawrence explains that in moving too quickly through their strategic initiative, they failed to adequately prepare the learner. This resulted in a missed opportunity to ensure that the methodology would be successful. He adds, “I offer this as an honest example of how our best of intentions were not successful because we missed some of the most important fundamental conversations in and around organizational readiness and change.” “As learning leaders and educators, we may have a vision of what will be successful. However, in the absence of having a conversation with the end user, you may not succeed.” 5 4 Be mindful of generational differences (and it’s not just millennials!). There is a lot of discussion about how the healthcare industry needs to approach the education of the millennial employee differently from other generations. Lawrence recognizes the need to be cognizant of generational differences, but cautions against making assumptions. Lawrence explains, “We have to ask the same questions of our millennial associates as we do of any generation represented in the workforce. We must continue the dialogue, even against some of the social norms. Keeping communication open with our associates of all generations, in particular millennials, is vitally important in order to be successful going forward.”  •  800.521.0574  •