Articles Ethical Hacking | Page 3

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 5, Issue 6, June 2015 ISSN 2250-3153 the loss of valuable content. However, once it happens it is usually best to not procrastinate on the cleanup process, since a speedy restore will most times minimize the damage that was caused. While almost all sources will recommend that you upgrade your Word Press to the latest version, what the majority neglect to tell you is that in most cases simply doing so will not prevent the attackers from getting back in, even if there are no known exploits with the latest version. The hackers may have left a back door file hidden in a directory where it wouldn’t get overwritten with an upgrade, or inserted code into your theme, or simply created an account that they then granted admin privileges to. Any one of those would allow them back in, even after you patched what was wrong the first time. Therefore I am providing this step by step process on how to completely clean out and restore a Word Press installation that has been hacked. a. Backup the site and the database. Even a hacked copy of your blog still probably contains valuable information and files. You don’t want to lose this data if something goes wrong with the cleanup process. Worst case scenario you can just restore things back to their hacked state and start over. b. Make a copy of any uploaded files, such as images, that are referenced. Images are generally exempt from posing a security risk, and ones that you uploaded yourself (as opposed to ones included with a theme, for instance) will be harder to track down and replace after things are fixed again. Therefore it is usually a good idea to grab a copy of all the images in your upload folder so as to avoid broken images in posts later. If you have any non-image files that could potentially have been compromised, such as zip files, plug-in, or php scripts that you were offering people, then it is a good idea to grab fresh copies of those from the original source. c. Download a fresh version of WP, all of the plug-in you need, and a clean template. Using the Word Press automatic upgrade plug-in does make it easier to upgrade every time a new version comes out. However, it only replaces Word Press specific files, and does not delete obsolete ones. It also leaves your current themes and plug- in in place, as is. This means that if used to upgrade a blog that has already been compromised, it can very well leave the attackers a way back in. It is best to start over from scratch as far as the files portion of your installation goes. Note that if you use the Easy WP Word Press Installer script that I wrote it saves you from having to download, unzip, and then upload all of the core Word Press files, although you will still need to grab fresh copies of the themes and plug-in that you want to use. d. Delete all of the files and folders in the WP directory, either through FTP (slower) or through panel’s File Manager (faster). Now that you have fresh copies of all the files you need, and copied all of your uploaded images, completely delete the entire directory structure your blog is in. This is the only sure-fire way to completely remove all possibly infected files. You can do this through FTP, but due to the way that FTP handles folder deletion (ie. it walks the directory structure, stores each and every file name that needs to be deleted, and then sends a delete command for each one), this can be slow and in some instances cause you 3 to get disconnected due to flooding the server with FTP commands. If available it is much faster to do this through either panel’s File Manager or via command line if you happen to have shell access. e. Re-upload the new fresh copies you just grabbed. This step should be self explanatory, but I would like to mention that if your FTP client supports it (I use FileZilla, which does) and your host allows it, then increasing the number of simultaneous connections you use to upload can greatly reduce your overall transfer time, especially on servers or ISP’s where latency is more of an issue than bandwidth. f. Run the database upgrade (point your browser at /wp- admin/upgrade.php). This will make any necessary changes to your database structure to support the newest version of Word Press. g. Immediately change your admin password. If you have more than one admin (meaning any user with editing capabilities), and cannot get the others to change their passwords right then, I would change their user levels until they can change their passwords as well. If there is anyone in your user list that has editing capabilities, and you do not recognize them, it’s probably best to just delete them altogether. If changing passwords is something you hate doing, then maybe my new memorable password generator can make that a little less stressful for you. h. Go through the posts and repair any damage in the posts themselves. Delete any links or frames that were inserted, and restore any lost content. Google and Yahoo’s caches are often a good source of what used to be there if anything got overwritten. The following query run against the database can help you isolate which posts you want to look at: SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE post content LIKE '%