International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 5, Issue 6, June 2015
ISSN 2250-3153
Ethical Hacking
Susidharthaka Satapathy , Dr.Rasmi Ranjan Patra
CSA, CPGS, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Abstract- In today's
world where the information
communication technique has brought the world together there is
one of the increase growing areas is security of network ,which
certainly generate discussion of ETHICAL HACKING . The
main reason behind the discussion of ethical hacking is insecurity
of the network i.e. hacking. The need of ethical hacking is to
protect the system from the damage caused by the hackers. The
main reason behind the study of ethical hacking is to evaluate
target system security & report back to owner. This paper helps
to generate a brief idea of ethical hacking & all its aspects.
Index Terms- Hacker, security, firewall, automated, hacked,
he increasingly growth of internet has given an entrance
passage to many things : e-commerce , email , social
networking , online shopping & information distribution. As the
technology advances it has its dark side; hackers. Govt.
organization , private citizen & many companies of the world
wants to be the part of this revolution. Being afraid of hackers as
they could break into the web-server & create nuisance. To
counter attack them ethical hacker's are used in the Govt.
organization, companies etc. This paper describes the skills,
attitude & how they helps the customer with the increasingly
growth rate of internet network security has been a measure
concern of Govt.& private organization. As different
organization wants to take advantage of the internet but fail to do
so, because of the possibility of being hacked. To minimize the
risk of being hacked by the hackers the organizations realized the
best possible ways to introduced the independent computer
security professionals to make their way out. In computer
security the ethical hackers employ's some tools & techniques
that would neither damaged the system nor still information from
it. Instead they would evaluate ways to secure then system &
report back the owner with the threat they had found & how to
cure them.
It is a technique of modifying the features of system . The
person who is continuously engaged in hacking activities and has
accepted hacking as their choice are called hackers.
Ethical hacking is the process which is focuses on securing
& protecting computer system . Independent computer security
professional breaks into the computer system and neither
damaged the target system nor steal the information, they
evaluate target system security and report back to the owner
about the threats found.
In 1971, John Draper , aka captain crunch, was one of the
best known early phone hacker & one of the few who can be
called one of the father's of hacking.
Hacking is not what we think , It is an art of exploring the
threats in a system . Today it sounds something with negative
shade , but it is not exactly that many professionals hack system
so as to learn the deficiencies in them and to overcome from it
and try to improve the system security. Hacking is not about
breaking security of computer and network. Programmers, who
know different computer languages very well, they themselves
define as hackers, who are good at programming. Hacking in
simple words: breaking into private party in silence and enjoy it.
Which logically means trying to get into some ones private
account or to steal the sensitive data and do things that are
illegal? Ethical hackers are the people who can create a firewall
according to your knowledge and needs and protect all weak
spots to protect private data from being hacked. The word
hacking is not illegal, computer programmers called themselves
hackers because they can break into the system and solves the
Historically hackers plays a number of roles some of them
are good and some of them are bad. On the one hand hackers are
the programmer's to break into the system and find the problem
causing the system and solve them which result in improved
security. On the other hand hackers are the programmer's who
break into the system and cause in security. Hacking is very
important practice in the modern day society because hacker's are
the experts in how the system functions and how the system can
----- E.H. has some distinct features which when compared
to security and problem scanning.
-----It is highly or completely automated.
----- E.H. typically exploits the security in order to access the
data or access another system.