ARTE: Mecenas e-magazine Final | Page 7

Political situation in Florence The politics of early Europe is hardly simplistic, hence being almost impossible to summarize. Each city-state in Italy had established either friendly or unfriendly relationships with the two main dominant forces of political power at the time; the Pope and the Holy Roman Empire, whose main locus being Germany. Both forces maintained their positions as centers of competition among cities, towns, or even dissenting families. In Florence, the main object of discord was between democracy and princely hegemony. The city-state governance system in northern Italy was, with the exception of Venice, the dominance of the princely families. The most eminent supporter of democracy was the first Florentine Chancellor, Caluccio Salutati (1331-1406). Democratic governance was characterized by a minority of men eligible for city offices, a shortly lasting service to prevent conspiracies and corruption, and a bureaucracy, whose members were not allowed to occupy higher offices, so as to be continuity in governance. Although there was neither king nor aristocracy, Florence was unlike modern democracies, considering that employees had no political rights. The democracy that prevailed in Florence since the middle of the 13th century had coalesced people and bourgeois in the struggle against the feudal lords of the surrounding areas, emperor's allies. After their defeat, many of the nobles settled on 5) Cozimo the Elder (1389- 1464) the prevailing social conditions, relocated in Florence and began to actively contribute to the bourgeois business. Cosimo de 'Medici of the Medici House was a banker. Owing to his great fortune, he attained becoming the governor of Florence, the first of the Medici to receive this title. In 1433, following the failure to conquer Lucca, a city in the northwest of Italy, Cosimo was exiled as a culprit, but returned in 1434 and dominated the city's life for the following 30 years. When he returned, Cosimo de 'Medici began to enhance his political development, by effectively manipulating the democratic ordinances. In this way, the power of the Chancellor was weakened. Lorenzo de 'Medici, the grandson of Cosimo, remained the prince of Florence from 1469 for life. This was the prerequisite of the Medici princely rule, which, from 1512, with a brief interruption, was to dominate Florence for several centuries. 7