Artborne Magazine September 2016 | Page 47

light streams through shōji photons dance on indigo guileful seating sandpaper digits the craftsman’s hands devise shape smoothing grit and grain raw edges of trees remain when cut from their roots living through design form follows function well-contemplated facets are necessity a bipedal chair where art meets mathematics nascence of balance consideration of the spirit of a tree remains in its grain superfluousness an unwelcome idea contradicts nature nine parallel lines a symmetrical intent curve out into space installation by George Nakashima installation by George Nakashima a congruous bond the east juxtaposed with west seamlessly melding polished and rugged though seemingly conflicting harmonize in form a thin form ascends cutting upward and outward a new life, same soul repeating pattern a subtle geometry order in chaos circular sequence death yields to fertility reincarnations perennial glow a surface expands its arms inviting respite collectively still unyielding relics cross paths transfixed in movement Photos by Stephanie D’Ercole esherick to NAKASHIMA will be on display at the Modernism Museum until late 2016. Orlando’s Art Scene, v. 1.3 46