Artborne Magazine November 2016 | Page 13

Ku Klux Klan Imperial Wizard , David Duke , and fails to denounce it immediately , he is inexcusable . I heard Trump referred to as “ a racist enabler not a racist .” Either way , he is bringing out the worst in humanity . I thought by 2016 , we wouldn ’ t hear people proudly making racist comments . This is a very dangerous precedent , especially when this is the party that not only fi nds excuses for young blacks being killed by police offi cers , but also consistently responds with dangerous misinformation like , “ there is so much black-on-black crime .” The reality is , there is about an equal level of white-on-white crime . This is the party that aligned itself with George Zimmerman ’ s stand your ground defense . This is the party that stands by the NRA even when the NRA shows an incredible lack of sensitivity and respect to victims after a mass shooting . This is a party that defends cops killing black men , and never says that the murder offends their religious beliefs , even though something like gay marriage does . I would think the party that says it is closer to God would exhibit more compassion . I was brought up in the Catholic Church . I was taught that Jesus ’ compassion is what we are to follow . I remember being told by a priest that a Christian should strive to be like Jesus , and to really think about what Jesus would do . I don ’ t translate that into open carry , and I don ’ t understand why places like Liberty University , started by pastor Jerry Falwell , would strongly assert that humans don ’ t factor into global warming . Why are there so many Christian Republicans buying into this ? I think Jesus would be strongly concerned with persevering the planet and not just the immediate economy . I ’ ve made comments like this and have been accused of being anti-Christian . That is almost the opposite of what I ’ m suggesting . I ’ m suggesting that a lot of people are abusing religion , and using it to ruin this country . For conservatives to normally side with the cop who killed a black man , or to not believe science , is dangerous and not Christlike . photo by Ashley Inguanta
The Democrats are very fl awed , but at least there is an effort towards fairness ; yet they are called elitist by many Republicans . This is another example of the dangers of anti-intellectualism . I never thought I would live in a time when teachers , professors , and scientists would be so disrespected . I ’ ve noticed that this logic doesn ’ t follow to the most of the medical fi eld . It ’ s interesting how the conservative , anti-science sentiment hasn ’ t fostered doubt in the ability of doctors . I know that the anti-vaxxer crew has been aligned with the Democrats , and I don ’ t support that either . I don ’ t want to live in a time where scientists are dismissed as elitist intellectuals . I ’ ve heard Governor Rick Scott talk about discouraging liberal arts degrees . These are the comments of people who don ’ t understand the learning process , and don ’ t understand research .
Life is not all about the bottom line . Most of the Democrats I know don ’ t have a problem disagreeing with other Democrats , but most of the Republicans I know are unwavering in their allegiance with members and supporters of their party . It feels like if they give in a little , they think they will lose everything . I don ’ t see any effort to come to a compromise by the current Republican Party . Regardless if I agree or not , I would like politics to be an effort to compromise . If we ever want to make America great , we have to grow up and get along .
digital caricature illustration by DonkeyHotey .
Orlando ’ s Art Scene , v . 1.5