From the Desk of Pat Greene
What Would Jesus Do?
by Pat Greene
I voted for Bernie Sanders in the primaries. I’m definitely voting for
Hillary Clinton during the election. In the past, I’ve said that I’m not
a hardcore Democrat, but I am registered as a Democrat so that I can
vote in Florida’s closed primaries. I’ve been thinking about this quite a
bit lately. After hearing arguments about Donald Trump being a billionaire businessman, and how we need someone with a business mind to
run this country, I’ve reconsidered my decision to remain nonpartisan.
Even if Trump gave us some enlightenment about how he will accomplish what he says he can accomplish, instead of merely giving vague
promises, I would still vote
against him, and I would vote
against the Republican Party
as a whole. He represents the
ugly American. His character
is indefensible, and the idea
that Trump supporters ask
me to give them an example
when I say that is also indefensible. If you still need examples at this point, you are
in being a part of the civil rights movement, not blocking civil rights.
I’m not a fan of the games the Republicans play, either: government
shutdowns, blocking Supreme Court nominations, etc.
The biggest reason I am against the party is because of its abysmal human rights record and its anti-science and general anti-intellectual nonsense. I’m tired of the “holier than thou” crap about using the church
as a platform to judge and hate. I grew up in a church that prided itself
If you think that being loyal to your party means that you will excuse
racism or other intolerance, I don’t have any patience for you. I find it
curious that the Republican Party always seems to side with the person
who killed a young black man. When Trump gains support from former
I wrote an article a few months ago about the NRA, and the idea that if
you are a Republican, you unflinchingly support the NRA and you are
playing follow the leader instead of thinking for yourself. The NRA is
evil. They don’t give a crap about the Constitution. I take that back;
they love the idea that they can distort what it means for their own
benefit. How many people
have to die before the party
of family values realizes that
everything the NRA tells
them is self-serving? How is a
party that is opposed to Roe
v. Wade okay with enabling
murders because the Constitution is more important
than anything else? Why is it
that Republicans—the party
of “family values”—generally does not see that young,
A friend of mine once said
black men have been murthat the biggest difference
dered by police officers? Why
between the two parties is
is it that if we criticize the pothat Democrats are generally
lice officers who murdered,
more poetic people than Rewe are viewed by the party of
publicans, and it’s hard to exfamily values as being against
plain poetry to someone who
the police? Why has the parhas never tried to understand
ty of family values fought
or doesn’t see any reason to
same-sex unions? The generunderstand it. He said this in
al argument from them was
a half-serious way that didn’t
something like, “it’s not natsound like an effort to be proural/sacred,” or, “it’s against
found, but I’ve been thinking
our beliefs.” Judging by the
about how true this really
national divorce averages of
is. There’s plenty that is not
straight couples, it seems like
very poetic about either parthe divorce rate would make
ty. There is plenty of political
us all question how sacred
bullshit and hypocrisy in both montage appropriation by Matt Duke
these straight unions are. My
parties and with both parties’
father used to say, “I don’t
supporters. But the idea of Trump apologists closes the deal on any pos- think that gays should get married, they’ve been oppressed enough alsibility that the Republicans stand for anything legitimate. The truth is, ready.” I want to be a part of a group that is more “live and let live.”
I’ve never been a fan of the party, but I also never thought it would fall It is hard enough for straight people to fall in love, but do you want to
to this level. Trump’s popularity is the first time that I can recall a mass be a part of making others miserable just because you are? I don’t want
exodus of Republicans from supporting a potential leader of their party. an answer. Happy people don’t do things like block others from getting
That shows some promise, but there is just too much that is inexcusable married. They mind their own fucking business or say congrats or buy
about the party.
them a wedding present.