Artborne Magazine March 2017 | Page 24

Clouds Melting on Hot Asphalt , photograph
one ’ s “ right direction .” In drawing attention to these surreal , yet ordinary , events he is instructing the viewer to look closer at everything — even the smallest puddle of water . Carr has confi dence that every human can fi nd the unusual in the everyday if given the right opportunity and the right direction . The key to it all is perspective .
These grown-up lives full of responsibility and schedules and deadlines essentially suffocate the wonder and amazement that is bestowed upon each person . The oddly satisfying joy of jumping into puddles on rainy days is gone because responsible adults are too busy falling in line with the other corporate drones .
For Carr , perspective is the catalyst for change . To move from the
This is the moment when Chris Carr ’ s work is needed most . His photographs
mundane to the surreal is wholly dependent upon one ’ s perspective . He explains that his goal as an artist is to provide the viewer with “ a perspective that many of us never take the time to notice , one right below our feet .” Indeed , perspective is an essential element of his artwork . In the 2015 piece , Fall Is in the Air , perspective allows for the earth to become sky and for the sky to become water . The trees imply that they are planted steadfastly in the earth , but the solitary leaf almost seems to fall up .
Fall is in the Air , photograph
not only tell stories and document the clues that encourage humanity to look down and stop ; his images also help remove the sting of that fateful question , “ Am I going in the right direction ?” It is the perfect balance between simple and complex . The simplicity is that Carr photographs refl ections in puddles . The complexity is that it can turn a person ’ s world upside down . He is the artist , the creative , providing humanity with a new perspective and a chance to go in the right direction . Chris Carr is a cog no longer turning smoothly , inspiring the
Perspective in Carr ’ s photography is not distorted . That defi nition tends to imply a negative connotation , like the artist is trying to mislead the viewer . Instead , his perspective is curious and inquisitive , almost childlike . Carr taps into the childlike curiosity found in all of humankind and attempts to awaken the naturally inherent creativity that has gone dormant .
rest of the cogs to join him .
You can see more at :
ChrisCarrFineArt . com