Risk Factors for Seniors
One of the unfortunate realities of aging is that your risk of
developing type 2 diabetes or adult-onset diabetes increases 2 ,
especially for men. Although the reasons are unknown,
researchers have found that the longer you live, the more likely
you are to develop type 2 diabetes.
Fortunately, no matter your age, you can determine whether
you are at an increased risk for developing the disease and
take steps to reduce your chances of becoming ill. As you get
older, surmounting the impediments that diabetes presents
can become a bit more challenging, but it is not impossible.
Older adults may be predisposed to
develop diabetes if they have the following
risk factors:
• Have a family history of
• Belong to a certain
ethnic population (i.e.
of Aboriginal, African,
Hispanic, or Asian descent)
• Are overweight or obese
• Are physically inactive
• Have prediabetes