ART Playbook ART Playbook - Summer 2014 - Premier Issue | Page 14

1 | Wine, Women and a Paintbrush - Art Playbook 4 wait until you open it again after the meditation/visualization is complete. (See our resource page [18] for a printable sign you can download) 2. If your participants don't know each other, give everyone an opportunity to say hi and introduce themselves. If you have a large group just be mindful of the time as a 2 minute introduction with 20 people can turn into a 40 min.+ exercise in a big hurry. 3. Make note of the Playbook Promises (below) These can be sent in advance with the invitations if you choose, or you can print this poster and hang it up on the evening, or you can just share them as part of your introduction to the process. Share what you feel is appropriate for the group. 4. Introduce a theme for the evening. We have designed this one to be all about connections and collaborative creating. You can certainly adapt the process to fit a number of possible themes depending on the season, the people you are working with, etc. You might even choose to share a related poem or quote, and depending on the time you have, a short discussion about the theme can also be an enriching way to establish connection amongst the participants and to "break the ice" if the group are not familiar with each other. Share a very brief explanation of the process and then begin with a demo of how to use the tools provided to make marks on the canvas. Follow the directions given in the article on page 16-17 or as in the video demos on pages 18-19. 5. Once the demo is complete ask everyone to get settled in their chairs, hands in their laps, feet on the floor - in a comfortable position. Then begin by leading a meditation / visualization that allows everyone to relax, calm the mind and turn inward and be present in the moment focusing on just the movement of the breath in and out. Play some quiet, meditative music or nature sounds in the background. 6. Follow the agenda on the opposite page for the rest of the evening. (and as described in the video) 7. End with the Close and Debrief as described on page 17. Supplies List You need… (and can mostly find at the doll