Art Magazine of JoyRoute Nov. 2013 | Page 19

On the day when I miss the stars

*Byoung-dal, Lee(1954 ~ . Korean poet)

Un-seasonal yellow dust

My chest suffocated

On the day I'd like to lean upon

even a stream of tears

I am gazing at the twinkling stars

in the night sky far in the distance

What the relationship with me

Makes me miss the stars every night

And why those stars don't sleep either

And often visit here

Longer ago than I remember

Maybe I

It's doubtful whether I escaped from that stars

Now If I am forgotten

How can I go back

The hills of life are steep

And on the day when the chilly bleak wind blows

Whether any code remains unsolved

I open the outer door of my mind

And I am looking up that mute stars

Upon waiting for a sign of lifeboat

-translated by Billy Kim

Art Meets Poem