ART MADNESS Vol 02 Summer Edition | Page 36

Tell us your story & who you are? My name is Subway Doodle. I live in Brooklyn, NY with a house full of monsters. What makes you angry & why? The Trump Administration and the moderate Republicans who are unwilling to call him out on his xenophobic, homophobic, misogynistic, and un-American policies. Why? No explanation is necessary. What’s your philosophy in life? Live and let live. What’s your favorite food ,song ,and movie? why? I don’t like to deal in favorites. I always tell my kids that life doesn’t need to be ranked. I love a lot of things. I don’t need to love any one of them more than another. But since you are twisting my arm… - Pizza, sushi, tacos, and Middle Eastern food. - Anything by the Beastie Boys or Led Zeppelin, but most of the time I am listening to KCRW radio or mashups. - Raiders of the Lost Ark, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and the Star Wars universe. What do you think about love? I love love. I wish the world would love itself more. What’s your biggest fear & how you deal with it? My biggest fear is something happening to my children. There’s nothing I can do about it. It’s just part of being a parent. If you're drunk in a forest and you have a shotgun and there is a couple of bullets, lighter, and a pack of cigarettes in your pocket, and there are 4 lions attacking your tent! what you will do? I would offer them each a cigarette and hope the lung cancer kills them before they eat me. 37