Art League | Page 17

A lot of teen craze lately has been Troye Sivan, an openly gay singer/songwriter originally from South Africa now living in Australia. He became big when he and Tyler Oakley started doing collab videos. He was a YouTuber and was known for singing on his channel regularly and just being goofy. He started playing on the radio with his songs “Youth” and “Wild”. He has major aesthetic.

He influences the mood with his voice, singing about how it may be difficult to be away from home and that losing yourself is okay. You never have to be afraid of who you are or who you have become. Being you is the only requirement for your life. After that anything and everything else is yours to decide. His music is genuinely relatable.

Song after song he sounds the same, but the message changes. His voice is steady and constant, always giving you the thought that maybe you aren’t all alone. He talks about struggles every teenager and young adult goes through: smoking cigarettes, being away from home, relationships, sexuality, and going out for the first time. Every song gives a new struggle and a new fix. He speaks from his own mistakes and lessons learned, which gives him credibility.

According to Billboard Troye Sivan has had 4 songs in the Top 100. His most popular song “Youth” peaking at #23. He continues to make music and one of his newest songs “My, My, My” came in at #80. He originally came out with his first EP in 2007 with “Dare to Dream” which is Troye just singing some covers of songs that required Troye to put his voice to the test. After that he didn’t really make the public eye again until his days of YouTube with favorite Tyler Oakley. Tyler and Troye made videos together numerous times of them playing stupid games or doing the “Tags” that everyone was always and is always hyping about.

Overall Troye Sivan is an artist who is currently underrated. He gives his all for his fans, being the best that he can for them. Starting on YouTube and slowly making his way to fans’ hearts, his voice is very clear and perfect to portray the important music that he sings. Troye Sivan is very underrated and he should be much bigger than he is. His music speaks to the teenager and young adult crowd shedding light on subjects that a lot of other artists are afraid to do. He has broken through a wall we didn’t even know existed. Being openly gay and willing to talk about it in songs and interviews gives kids nowadays something to follow. A precedent that hasn’t necessarily been present before.

“Troye Sivan.” Billboard, Billboard, 27 Jan. 2018,

Hit the Dance Floor With Troye

by Wyatt Safford