ART Habens Art Review // Special Issue ART Habens Art Review | Page 63

An interview by
, curator and curator
Deca Torres
Hello , thank you very much for the opportunity to speak about my work in your magazine . I do have an interesting background for an artist as I did not follow a formal training in visual arts such as BFA or MFA . I went to a business school in France which led me to graduate with an MBA in Management from the Florida Gulf Coast University , and I later enrolled at Christie ’ s Education New York where I graduated with a Master in Art History . During these times I was focused on entering the artworld from the institutional side . I have always been creating on my own for as long as I can remember but I did not consider myself good enough to declare myself an artist publicly . I followed night classes of clay sculpture in France , oil painting in Istanbul and welding and anatomy in New York which helped me a lot in terms of apprehension of the forms and also from a technical point of view . Two years ago I was supported by my
471 Special Issue