ART Habens Art Review // Special Issue ART Habens Art Review | Page 57

Maya Gelfman
ART Habens
as well as the meta issues . However , specifically , every series is linked to a certain frame of mind and is derived from an initial vision . The vision establishes context and distributes components or fractals . In a way , the visions act as ' big bangs ': they spatter the initial matter that is later reassembled into various objects .
The first time I put works in public space was in 2009 . I was looking for an intimate yet direct way to exhibit drawings and poems from a series called “ Red Heart ”. It was a spontaneous act , a different , one-time way to engage with art . Or so I thought . I fell in love with the immediacy and with the outspoken contact to people that the streets offered . As I mentioned earlier , I see artworks as having an independent presence . They exist and at the same time they are rebirthed in each dialogue between the artist , the work and the viewer . But as the saying goes , there is a time and a place for everything . Audience reaction is important to me once a work is done and only then . While creating a piece , I don ' t let external factors distract me . A work must never be influenced by thoughts that are not yet relevant . Will it be accepted , will people understand or appreciate , and for that matter , whether or not it will be sold - these questions can only hinder the flow of a work as it becomes all that it can be . Once a
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Special Issue