ART Habens Art Review // Special Issue ART Habens Art Review | Page 44

ART Habens
Maya Gelfman
surviving art seems to be grasped as a luxury , so dedicating oneself to creating art is not trivial at all . Having said that , Israel is far from being the image that ' s depicted by the news . So for what it ' s worth , I think that this is exactly what drives so many people here to search for ever new and alternative ways to express themselves .
The search for symbiosis is apparent in every aspect of my life and even more so in my practice , since it explores , reflects and interprets life . I believe that every process is an ongoing movement between actual experiences and yet unfulfilled intentions . We establish perceptions based on firsthand or inherited impressions and measure that against our dream , thus creating a purpose and a path .
This movement can be described as a line unfolding in space . The path between where I came from , where I am and where I wish to be . The works that I create outline this path and my way manifests itself as I go along . So while I ' m trying to decipher how and what to do next , I naturally intertwine materials , play with concepts and examine multiple techniques .
Special Issue
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