ART Habens Art Review // Special Issue ART Habens Art Review | Page 38

ART Habens
Monica Supé
unfreeze . If I only look enough the moving seems to go on .
Thank you for your time also and for letting me share my thoughts and artworks . In summer I will focus on something else in Städtische Galerie Schwabach : the relevance of time in working processes . Creating my objects or installations is often time-consuming , for example crocheting big pieces in wire takes much time and other work stages seem boring or stupid like pinning so many spaghetti into boards or drawing the same content every day for one year . But without persevering it doesn ’ t come to an result . That ’ s why this way of working that seems like nonsense makes sense for me personally .
In 2016 I will have several shows , each with a special theme . At Künstlerhaus I present “ Schein und Sein “ ( Appearance and Being ), different works which are not what they seemed to be . Some of my objects are built of wire which is put into white panels and when they are illuminated the wire pieces throw shadows onto the boards . If you change the angle of lighting the image of the shadows is modified and if you switch off the light the image disappears . I like to irritate . I like to cause amazement and to see moments of surprise . I like it if somebody comes back for looking once more because they don ’ t believe their eyes . That ’ s what I am searching for .
I have created and will create objects according to rules I determine before . For example I sewed an endless seam by a machine on paper or canvas . Every time I came upon an already existing seam I had to change the direction in a special way . So design developed not from personal decision but from observing rules . I am curious about what this approach will evoke . I want to challenge our daily working and I wonder how we differentiate basically between sense and nonsense in our working processes .
An interview by and
, curator , curator
Special Issue
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