ART Habens Art Review // Special Issue ART Habens Art Review | Page 31

Monica Supé
ART Habens
At first I wanted to install steel sticks , but buying about 50 000 of them was very expensive and I looked for a cheaper material , which could represent my idea as well . Using spaghetti summarized everything : noodles are made of grain and their appearance represents grain coincidentally . They are reusable , eatable afterwards and bring the subject to the point : using so many spaghetti not for eating but for art let us reflect about our dealing with our resources .
In German perception is called ” Wahrnehmung ”, that means that we take something for true ( German “ wahr ”: real , true , “ nehmen ”: take ). But we can even question if that what we see is really true and existent in exactly the way we see it . This is one of the questions human beings are asking in their search for knowledge .
21 406
Special Issue