ART Habens Art Review // Special Issue ART Habens Art Review | Page 28

ART Habens
Monica Supé
nition . And everything I read influences me . In my work – and while working I think of it as an experimental process – I wish to express everything in the right way for just this subject . And this is what I am looking for every time .
I was invited to create an installation for a Franco-German exhibition named „ Landschaft – Campagne “ ( Landscape ). I had plenty of space there so I could plan a tall one . After thinking about the topic I was sure that I wanted to create something which references the synthetic in landscape , because landscape doesn ’ t mean nature . In German the word “ Landschaft ” indicates this because the suffix “ -schaft ” means “ created ”. Landscape is man-made and it seems that the position of real nature like primeval forests has even kept secrets from us . I named it “ Kulturlandschaft ” because the concept of “ Kultur ” is derived from Latin “ colere ” which means “ to cultivate ”. Cultivating landscape is a cultural achievement and I wondered if we attest real culture in our dealing with it , when we subordinate nature and landscape to our dictates of using .