ART Habens Art Review // Special Issue ART Habens Art Review | Page 21

Donald Bracken ART Habens very vulnerable and that there was a real complacency by American institutions considering how many people this country has pissed off . I somewhat share Noam Chomsky ’ s point of view of the United States ’ role in 9 / 11 as a ramification of its international policies . It appeared to me that there would come a day when an icon of American imperialism would be attacked and a normal means of conveyance would cause the disruption of the World Trade Center . I did two pieces on this theme while I had my studio at the World Trade Center — one was World on Fire , and the other was called Premonition of Disaster . Needless to say , I could not have conceived of the tragedy of 9 / 11 , nor , as a pseudo New Yorker , could I have predicted my sense of loss or that my world would be turned upside down as a result of the events of 9 / 11 , and the chain of events that are taking place as a result of America ’ s reaction to 9 / 11 .
Thanks a lot for this interesting conversation , Donald . Finally , I would like you to tell our readers something about your future projects . Anything coming up for you professionally that you would like readers to be aware of ? carloads of art supplies in boxes and cans . I am white , blue-eyed , and , at that time , was also blond . The mostly Middle Eastern security staff never checked my materials . I did have a photo ID , but it seemed odd that they were so casual in light of the World Trade Center terrorist bombing in 1992 . It occurred to me while looking out over the city from this icon of American international financial interests that I could be in the IRA or a blond fundamentalist Muslim , but because of my race I was never checked . It seemed to me that the building was
I ’ m currently working on a project called Damascus Falling , which is another piece where I ’ m reframing the Heaven and Earth idea , except instead of having the vision of a city shattered by the traumas of two iconic buildings falling , now it ’ s become a vision of the total decimation of some of the many cities and regions currently being ravaged by the traumas of war — in some cases much like people lined up to be shot , in an allusion to Goya ’ s work about the instruments used by the Holy Inquisition , and El Greco ’ s painting 3rd of May 1808 , of Spanish peasants being shot by the French .
In the summer I ’ ll be doing an outdoor installation at Lionheart Gallery in Pound Ridge , New York , and I also have a planned installation of a yet-to-bedefined vine and root piece and exhibition of other work at Five Points Gallery in Torrington , Connecticut , this fall . Denise and I are currently seeking out new venues for It Takes a Village , and I ’ m looking for an appropriately large venue for Memorial Windows .
Thank you for asking me to be in your magazine and for asking such thoughtful insightful questions
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Special Issue