ART Habens Art Review // Special Issue ART Habens Art Review | Page 116

ART Habens Nicolas Vionnet
It is indeed the case that my work tries to sensitize the people for their immediate environment . My works are often restrained , unobtrusive and directly embedded in the landscape – my work would not be readable without a specific surrounding . So it is always about this dialogue , the positioning , interaction and what can come out of these situations . This forces the viewer to perceive the environment from a new perspective . Unimportant and inconspicuous becomes suddenly important and intrusive .
Now to your question : Our experiences shape us throughout life . I see this like a simple classical conditioning . Our experiences are a key factor of how we perceive our world and how we behave in certain situations . You thus always have an impact , even if we are not always aware . In this sense , I don ’ t think that a creative process can be really disconnected from experience .
I must admit in all honesty : Yes , I actually work with synergies , but it was never intended to do so . I very often rely on my gut instinct and just try to bring the work to a coherent state . One advantage of your mentioned interdisciplinary approach is that a work , through the interaction of different techniques , automatically focuses on several aspects and thus can be read on
Special Issue
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