ART Habens Art Review ART Habens Art Review - Special Issue #97 | Page 2



C o n t e m p o r a r y A r t R e v i e w
Haim Levy
Hana Jaeger
Jean-Marie Guyaux
Ante Kustra
Doria Sharra
Agustin Ciarfaglia
United Kingdom
Sculpture is a very wide field , and as an artist constantly looking for excitement and renewal , comes the moment when the artist in me also tries to deepen and understand that the woman ' s body is a source of inspiration for most of the world ' s artists , without mentioning famous names . The artist in me is attracted to discover the hidden body of the woman , and create something new every time I approach this kind of creation . The creation of " Temptation " was created with precise work on details and precision that I often dislike , but the importance of accuracy has increased in my work in art related to the woman ' s body . That an artist like me deals with art , sometimes I deviate from the general and accepted , and creates from the heart .
Talk . That is what I do in my paintings . I tell a story , short and simple , true and sincere , devoid of flowery language and superfluous words . We are so familiar with all the things that exist here and now in our close surroundings that they are taken for granted , sometimes not worth a second look , certainly not worth painting … freezing moments devoid of splendor yet , in my view , sufficiently important for me to paint them bustling with life … glorifying them , bringing them to the forefront and highlighting them . With no cynicism or overt criticism . I am " celebrating " the injury . And , like in expressionism that has brought to the fore the underdog , the anti-hero , the weakling , the lonely , the afflicted and the injured – I gaze and peep at people living their life on the margins , imbedded in a concrete expanse , situated in a personal limbo , lacking facial details and imbued with low-level and antiheroic prosaic features .
For over thirty years I have been shooting editorial and advertising work that runs the gamut of still life , fashion and celebrity photography . As an artist I am fascinated by the domain of New Media Art where the few thousand pixels image of the original maker are subverted to such transformation that its original content or genre will only be serving as a construct to a new physicality . My series of iconic imagery originates in the raw data of a picture that is manipulated and distorted via non-photographic software so as to reappear as a new layer of pixels and create an abstraction leading to the reinterpretation of the visual imprinted in one ’ s memory . By confronting the present , exploration of past and future are left to the imagination .
My installation entitled : " My Like an Elvis impersonator favorite prisons " and consists who knows full well that his of several objects , dimensions fantasy is his own creation , variable ( approximately 3 x 2 x yet the reality of it stays fresh 1 m ). One object ( " Modesty ") and vivid in his mind till the stands on the gallery floor , and very moment when he three ( " Paradiso ", " Vanity releases his body from the Fair " and " Finally freedom ") on tight suit that became known the gallery wall , above the as the rock legends second other objects that are placed skin , my work explores the on pedestals of different thinness of the line that we heights ( 80 , 100 and 120 cm ): tend to draw between real life at its highest is " My most and fiction . I believe in the favorite the prison ". Items of subversive power of pleasure , which the objects are made in whether it is derived from the form of geometric beauty , humor or sexuality . sculptures : cardboard boxes Employing such artistic for shoes , Styrofoam , filing , tactics as appropriation and wooden picture frames , cages parody , my work is at the for birds ... The tension same time deeply committed between the objects and poor to traditional drawing and materials with the theme painting practices . My expressed by ( the fundamental practice is intensely involved emptiness of human beings and with the theme of pathetic effort which is trying transformations and fluidity . to fulfill or camouflage ) By using real life stories and produces a voltage in spiritual images , my work explores the space of installation , a dose of means by which drawing and humor and self-irony that space painting can be used as refreshes and makes it easy . In performative tools , which my artistic work gladly use this allow for imaginative juxtaposition of metaphysically interpretations and hard and physically light ; my alternative narratives to vanity is whispering than that penetrate existence , in an my aRTsceticism leads to arte attempt to claim reality as poWera . their own .
In my work I always try to find answers for existential questions like : is there beauty and joy in our lives ?; why do we enjoy living if our strongest memories are of negative experiences ?; what is the meaning of life itself ?. I see human life as a sequence of emotional states ( mostly negative ) that we can barely comprehend and make sense of them , drifting from point A ( birth ) to a final destination - point B ( death ) - which awaits us just around the corner . I tend to think that moments of happiness are so rare & elusive , unsustainable and deceiving - yet are so needed in our lives - that we seek the meaning of our lives from them . If they are carved out from one ' s experiences then nothing but blood , despair , misery and emptiness are left . I am trying to look deeper in these states , dissecting them , and represent them in my art . The ultimate question I want to answer can be phrased in the following way : Is there an ethically justified place for us - conscious human beings - in the existential climate of our perceptions of life , the very meaning of life ? Emotions and experiences linked to reality , in their purest forms , are my subjects of interest , which I try to express through abstracted figures .