ART Habens Art Review ART Habens Art Review - Special Issue #97 | Page 195
Doria Sharra
ART Habens
work engage me in an intriguing way?
Does it make me want to step into this
artist`s private universe of interests
and references?
civil rights and feminist movements.
The subtle socio political criticism in my
work that you refer to, deals mainly
with the hetro-normative, binary
inclined patriarchy, and its effects on
the most personal and intimate aspects
of our lives. Since I believe that power
it at its highest when it`s transparent, I
try to bring forward issues that are
silenced, in order to create a
conversation about its mechanisms.
My current project tells the life story of
one person - Bruri, from birth to death.
The world that I`m building for the
protagonist is filled with a multitude of
metamorphoses, such as that of
objects, of landscapes and of gender.
The series also allows for
transformations of the libidinal energy,
which travels from one body to the
next, of the main character. Indeed,
this character changes genders in
order to facilitate the fantasy of how
one`s intimate relationships would feel,
when experienced through different
I believe the role of art is multifaceted–
- it can take on many roles, and surely
more than one role at once. Therefore
It`s important for an artist to be
conversant with art`s rich history, the
current discourse and the countless
avenues for expression it can offer, in
order to make well informed decisions.
So in this case, the actual events that
took place in my real life are secondary
to the story lines and plots that my
imagination is weaving, since in reality
I can only live in the current body I
inhabit. None the less, I still consider
these narratives to be part of my direct
experience, since they take up an
important part of my inner world.
For me an artist’s personal and direct
experience includes their Imagination
and curiosity. Whether a certain event
took place in real life or not, is not as
important as how much an artist
managed to use what fascinates her or
him in a compelling manner. Does the
Special Issue