ART Habens Jean-Marie Guyaux agreement with Marcel Duchamp . L . H . O . O . Q . anybody ? audience although I do not want my work to be an open book . I want to provoke by incorporating a layer of mystery . It ’ s all about “ I ’ ve seen this but never like that . How did it get there ? What happened ? ”.
By incorporating non-photographic software to my creative process my projects explore performative exchanges across visual and sonic disciplines . They challenge conventional expectations of meaning and objectivity , as well as the boundaries between the rational and subjective . To achieve my intended tonality and texture I alter my source and adjust the parameters of the applied software until I reach an aesthetically gratifying result .
Getting my style of digital art considered and commissioned , by the Vanbarton Group , NYC a real estate and investment company , for the creation of murals branding one of their buildings , was the validation of my foray into New Media Arts . The size of the work brought forth the beauty of the underlying texture and it ’ s public display the satisfaction that it would be exhibited to an audience for years to come . When working as a digital artist at times I feel like a painter or a composer . The pixels become both pigments and notes . I mix the pixels of my images or images from others to create either a form of pointillism or samplings as found in Hip Hop music . My digital work expands the imagery of iconic portraits of people and products with new interpretations and symbols of universal human feelings and sensuality .
As a visual artist I believe in the importance of communicating with my
An interview by
, curator and curator
Summer Special Issue 2015 23 405