ART Habens Art Review ART Habens Art Review - Special Issue #94 | Page 149

An interview by and , curator curator Lars Vilhelmsen It is a mix of all kinds of experiences. I can’t point no specifics one - I see it more like a lived pattern with no clear beginning. But if I must point out some lines in relation to experiences in “the pattern“, it could be: fir and hedges, maps, greaseproof paper, flakes, ribbons, bones, smells … all moods which is a part of the pattern. I'm glad, that I have search in every nooks and corners - I haven’t set any limits for myself - I follow and work on what I find interesting, regardless of tendencies and currents. I have worked in different themes and directions and tested different artistic media - from classical graphics to confrontational political activism in public spaces. My artistic place today has been the same for the last 5 - 6 years - the longest time I have been in the “same” study area. 4 04 Special Issue