ART Habens Art Review ART Habens Art Review - Special Issue #93 | Page 31
An interview by
First of all thank you so much for your interest
to my art works and opportunity to be the
part of this special edition of Art Habens. This
is great communication channel to present
my works to broad audience!
Dmitry Artyukhin
Starting point of my way of creating art works
was a moment of particular trip to France just
4 years ago where I had a chance to meet one
marvelous person with great energy and very
passionate about art itself. To me it was time
of change the way of expressing emotions in
a completely different form.
find very different person not really too much
analytical but rather being very
impressionable by nature. This combination
creates quite interesting substratum. Imagine
fiery lava inside that’s ready to splash out and
it needs just little impulse to create a flow. So
basically 4 years ago I faced a moment when
my emotional phase was just about to
transform into dynamic flow of colors.
Over many years I used to be a very
analytical person. My background is physics
and mathematics and I hold PhD. I have been
working in IT industry for more than 15 years.
At the same time if you look inside me you
First 2 years of exploring art I spent in Russia.
Actually I was born there and lived for many
Special Issue