ART Habens Art Review ART Habens Art Review - Special Issue #93 | Page 191
Roger Bénichou-YchaÏ
ART Habens
touches, to emphasize without
breaking the shape of the bottom.
As to the influences I have received
and continue to receive, there
would be too many past and
present names that I would like to
quote. The vitality that I seek goes
with the joy that I have to watch
the work of other painters and
visual artists.
In recent years, I have painted
large formats to feed my latest
project "Mother, Labyrinth, Faces
and Movements". I think, in this
project, immerse the public in
color, to remove it from the "face
to face" of museums and galleries.
It is important that the city change
its lines and forms to seek, by
transforming private or public
Can one speak of the search for the
"in between"?
Look for shards and caresses of
color in the shadows. The nuances
that appear are more caresses,
Special Issue