ART_ERY Journal ART_ERY_Journal_17_final | Page 7

BRICKS Our first night in Mexico, my friend with his three years of Spanish striked a political conversation with the bartender I didn’t understand a word of what was said I took French in college But, I saw the bartender point past the street lamp just above the beach I heard the concern in his voice But the tone of concern was not for himself He looked at my friend and I The concern was for us. I could only infer his message I imagine he said: “I see the walls you built The lines you have drawn Borders you reiterated The contrasts you emphasized I see the partitions and the barriers you put in place. I see how deep the rivers run of apathy and indifference as they anastomose with denial Yes, I see the walls you built But, please understand that the divide you Americans created to keep me out: Brick by brick; higher and higher The wall forms between your neighbors between progress and fear between love and hate Your nation created mazes within itself The wall you wanted to build is already complete, but it’s not between you and me.” —Elizabeth Aziz, OMS I 7