ART Dentistry Restore Your Tooth Functionality | Page 4

Cosmetic Dentistry with The Art of Dentistry o Invisalign, or invisible braces. This a more discreet version of the very obvious metal brace that some people might feel self-conscious wearing as an adult. All it does is realign your teeth like the other more traditional braces would. They will gradually straighten out your smile and can reduce any anxious feelings of self-consciousness. o Porcelain Veneers. Porcelain veneers are used generally to cover up small dental blemishes and imperfections while also enhancing the best natural features of your smile. The veneers are very thin shells made from ceramics that are made to blend naturally with your teeth. They usually require multiple trips to your dentist to apply but the results are well worth it. A small layer of enamel is removed from the pre-existing tooth, impressions of the teeth will be made with temporary veneers being put in place during the crafting period. After roughly two weeks or so, the custom-made veneers will be ready for application. o Teeth Whitening. Teeth whitening is a popular and simple procedure performed in many places. There are two types of teeth whitening procedures: in-office, using a Zoom whitening system, teeth will be brightened considerably in up to ten days with one quick visit. There is also the take home option wherein patients wear specialised dishes containing gel over a short period of time. It doesn’t matter what type of bleaching you use, preliminary treatment is offered using Fluoridex which is a kind of special paste that is used to reduce or numb any painful tooth sensitivity.