What is the procedure?
The procedure involves placing four appliances into the gums and
jawbones. They are left to heal for sufficient amount of time before securing
the implant bridge. Once the bridge is implanted, removing it will never be
required and it is going to resemble both the appearance and function of
your real teeth.
The patient is fitted with a set of permanent real-looking teeth before leaving
the dental office. Once these implants have integrated with the jaw bone
fully, the patient may do a follow-up to get a stronger second denture.
Traditional treatment for a full set of teeth involves placing around 8
implants for every arch in patients with missing or failing teeth, or those
who wear dentures. If you consider the cost of every implant surgery,
associated materials and follow-ups, it becomes obvious that the concept of
few implants saves both time and effort as compared to a traditional implant
procedure. Moreover, less dental implant means less healing time. In some
cases, a patient may even be able to start drinking and eating as soon as
they leave the clinic.