ART Dentistry Cosmetic Dentistry And All On 4 Dental Implants | Page 4
Composite Bonding
The composite bonding is the process of repairing decayed, damaged, and
apparently bad looking teeth using elements that are in close resemblance to the
natural enamel of your tooth. The dentist would then carve the composite into a
beautiful shape, which later is cured through high-intensity light. This is one of the
most inexpensive, which makes it one of the most economical dental procedure for
Teeth whitening
This is the simplest known cosmetic dentistry procedures. This procedure is often
recommended to those whose teeth have become stained due to effects of foods,
medication, drinks, and personal habits, such as cigarettes, that may wear out the
enamel and stain the teeth. The procedure of the teeth whitening will be taking
place in your dentist’s office where they will check for any plaques, tartar, or debris
present in your teeth and then bleach the teeth, which can be even lighter in color
compared to the original teeth.
Dental implants
When a person loses their teeth due to an accident or other such issues, they get
dental implants installed to replace the teeth. The dentist will place a small
titanium screw inside the jaw, which after bonding with the bone acts as a support
to the crown. The crown is then placed upon the screw allowing the implants to fit
in perfectly in the line of the natural teeth.